According to Self-made Millionaire Andrew Reynolds, becoming independently wealthy and perhaps hitting Millionaire status isn’t as difficult as it might sound.
Says Reynolds “The problem is that we are not taught how to become a Millionaire at school. Even at college, on a business course – we were never taught the skills needed to become millionaires. Instead they taught us how to get jobs in industry, banking, insurance, retailing, book-keeping and accountancy.
But accountants generally don’t become millionaires. Noir do most people who leave education expecting the world to provide them with a living.
Andrew Reynolds was the same. He left college at 19 and went through a succession of low paid jobs searching for the right career path – eventually climbing up the corporate ladder in the house building business.
But it was only during the 1990s recession that he found himself out of work – tossed aside by the ‘system’ – that he finally promised himself that he would never again put himself in a position where he could be fired and where his families financial future could be put at stake but the whims of an employer looking to cut costs.
So he embarked on a path which led him to start a business of his own in his spare room at home and which, at the last count, has pulled in over £50Million.
We asked Andrew Reynolds for his top tips for anyone “Who wants to be a millionaire”
1) Get yourself a mentor, says Reynolds. Find someone that has done what you want to do in life – and learn from them – copy what they do. If they are prepared to teach you – turn off the TV and spend every spare moment soaking up their knowledge. If you want to be a Millionaire – copy what a Millionaire or a Multi Millionaire does.
2) Focus on one thing. With so many different ‘Business Opportunities’ promoted to us every day – once you have decided on a mentor to follow – stick with him or her and avoid watering down your focus by trying to take on too many different projects.
3) Believe that you can really become wealthy. Andrew Reynolds says “I have so many students who start a business saying ‘Andrew, I’ll give it a go…. I know it won’t work for me – but I’ll give it a go anyway…’ They are always surprised when it doesn’t work for them”. But unless you straighten your mindset – you will never achieve success.
Remember – a huge part of being a Millionaire is in your head. If you get the right mindset and tell yourself every day that you will succeed, if you believe it wholeheartedly, if you feel it, you are already on course. The money – and the “HOW TO” – will turn up. You just need to believe!
Andrew Reynolds is an award winning businessman, author and business coach.
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