Tasked with carrying out a Cash on Demand review we sent off for Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand 2.0 free trial package. This package was entirely free. In fact we didn’t even have to pay any postage. We simply visited www.ec.tv and requested the package so that we could carry out our Cash on Demand review.
To kick off our Cash on Demand review when the package arrived we found it contained 3 full length feature DVD’s, an audio CD, a 90 plus page book, and a certificate entitling us to a 1 to 1 consultation with Andrew Reynolds.
Our Cash on Demand review began by watching the 1st of the 3 DVD’s. Called the millionaires secret this fascinating DVD showed Andrew Reynolds touring the townships of Cape Town, South Africa. We were shown footage of a previous visit where Andrew had met local entrepreneurs in the townships and had agreed to assist them with some funding so that they could improve the lives of their communities. In particular as part of our Cash on Demand review we were very moved by some of the scenes where Andrew provided funding for a local soup kitchen which provides up to 400 meals a day for local children. The Cash on Demand review team then looked at the 2nd DVD which was filmed on the set of the Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand bootcamp which was held at London’s iconic O2 arena. Live on stage we saw Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand system outlined and we also got a very good flavour of what Andrew Reynolds is about both in his business life and in his private life. We saw for example Andrew Reynolds presenting a cheque for over £700,000, which represented 100% of the ticket proceeds from the event which Andrew had held to raise money for the Make a Wish children’s charity.
Continuing our Cash on Demand review we then looked at the 3rd DVD which was a fascinating insight into how Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand system actually works. We saw a national reporter following Andrew around, complete with full 4 man camera team, filming Andrew at work putting his Cash on Demand system into action to beat a challenge made to him by the reporter. The challenge was to see if Andrew could use his Cash on Demand system to pull in over £500,000 in just 7 days.
Our Cash on Demand team watched as the reporter asked Andrew to fire up his laptop while they were out on the local golf course having a pint surprise on the face of the reporter when the laptop was turned on and over £40,000 worth of orders had come in while they had been chatting and drinking. The Cash on Demand review of the programme continued as the camera crew followed Andrew around for the next few days literally filming over his shoulder as he worked at his laptop computer and went on to pull in over £500,000 in less than a week. The programme finished with a scene showing independent auditors going through the figures to make sure that everything had been properly reported. Clearly anyone carrying out a Cash on Demand can see that the system did indeed pull in over £500,000.
To conclude our Cash on Demand review we also looked through the 90 plus page manual that came with the free trial package. In the Cash on Demand review manual we were given a good insight into the business that Andrew Reynolds runs and given the opportunity to hear from a previous student of Andrews who has had some success with the system.
To carry out your own Cash on Demand review you can get exactly the same trial package absolutely free by completing the application form at www.ec.tv
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Andrew Reynolds® is the registered trademark of Andrew ReynoldsAndrew Reynolds and Cash on Demand are registered Trademarks. © Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand training is the copyright of Bookingline plc
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I have subscribed to Andrew Reynolds COD2 program and am currently on module 6. I am very excited at this project and itching to get the remaining modules because I want to get started as soon as possible but taking Andrew’s advice in taking it a step at a time to fully understand the process. I have looked at many business opportunities available and also being a SME business manager within a bank and seeing many ‘new business’ ideas either plod along or fail I feel that this is THE one to make a substantial amount of money.