Malcolm and Jane Somner started a telephone business, but just couldn’t get through to their dream of financial independence.Then they subscribed to the Cash On Demand course and finally made a connection with success.
Malcolm and Jane Somner are the first to admit that their initial attempt at running a business was not a dramatic success. In fact, it was an abysmal failure. “We started off with a business partner, running a telephone-based service for accountants,” says Jane Somner. “But it didn’t work out. We had huge office overheads, loads of people working for us, endless expenses, headaches, and most weeks we paid the people who were working for us more than we paid ourselves.
Instead of the great future Jane Somner had imagined for themselves, running their own business, and being their ‘own bosses’, Jane Somner and her husband gradually found themselves going Backwards. Jane Somner is the first to admit that “things were getting desperate. Our personal debts had increased to over £40,000. We had to sell our house and move into rented accommodation.” Things were really starting to get Jane Somner down. “The worst point was when she had to go to the benefits people and apply for assistance just to pay the bills” said Jane Somner. Jane Somner and her husband were forced to resort to a property that was in a terrible state of repair which, as they later found out, had been used by illegal immigrants who had slept on mattresses on the floors.
Jane Somner and her family sat in that mucky house and just cried. “I reckon we’d reached rock bottom. I could see no way out.” Said Jane Somner “What we hadn’t realised was that the business model – the business we had tried to start – was doomed from the start. Burdened with overheads and high staffing costs, it was never going to make the sort of money we wanted nor even cover the basics in life – let alone the lifestyle we’d dreamed of. “Then in our search for something better, we stumbled across a guy who had achieved all that we wanted to achieve – a guy who had set up a business in his spare room at home…with no overheads…with no staff…and was able to make a lot of money despite working for just a few hours a day. Jane Somner emailed him and he told them that he’d had so many people asking him to teach them how he’d made his money that he had written his ‘system’ down in a simple monthly course, called the Cash On Demand course.
Although it was a stretch financially, Jane Somner signed up for the course. “It was like someone had turned on a light bulb. I sat up nearly all night long, reading the modules as they arrived. Here was a guy who had done what I’d always dreamed of – and my instinct told me that I could copy what he was doing.
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