Andrew Reynolds
By Carolyn Clarke
As a child Reynolds spent many hours in his dad’s DIY store.
When Andrew Reynolds left school he became a shop assistant before taking a job with Hassall Homes, selling houses.
In 1998 Andrew Reynolds was invited to a business seminar in the States. What he learned from the millionaires at that seminar changed his life.
Andrew Reynolds gave up his job and started a publishing business from his kitchen table. Seven years later, already a multi-millionaire Andrew Reynolds gave up his offices and staff. He had developed a unique marketing system where all he needed was a laptop computer. He called it the Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand system.
Today, Andrew Reynolds runs his own Cash on Demand business and teaches his system through the Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand home study course.
CAROLYN CLARKE: Did your dad with his DIY store inspire you to go into business?
ANDREW REYNOLDS: My dad inspired me because he was always full of ideas. But the business model for his DIY store was seriously flawed. The overheads were so high he struggled his entire life to make ends meet. He didn’t even have a pension when he reached retirement age, because he’d simply never made enough money to pay into a pension scheme.
What made you fly to the States for a business seminar?
Desperation. I hated my job with Hassall Homes. I travelled thousands of miles, spent hours stuck in traffic on motorways. Sometimes I’d wait all day in a portacabin, for someone to come along and ask me to take them around the show house. When it rained, you’d be ankle deep in mud. Yet I struggled with credit card debt and a mortgage.
How did that seminar turn your life around?
It introduced me to a way of doing business that was different to the flawed model of my dad’s DIY store. Here was this American guy, explaining how he was making tons more money than I earned, working from home. He didn’t need offices, staff or stock. He didn’t talk to his customers, he never met them but he made $30,000 a month.
What did you do when you got back to England?
I quit my job. I had purchased a UK product licence for a set of videos during the seminar. I sold that set using the techniques I had learned in America and made my first £10,000.
Do you advise students of your Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand system to quit their job?
A Cash on Demand business only takes an hour a day to run. There is no need for anyone to hand in their notice until the income from their Cash on Demand business exceeds earnings from their job.
Did you ever go back to America for more licences?
I still fly to the States several times a year picking up product licences. In fact I have more products than I need. So I pass them onto students of my Cash on Demand system. They make money and I make money.
Is your Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand system easy to learn?
Yes. I used to teach the system in £5,000 a day workshops. However, I discovered that only a small percentage of people did anything with it. For instance, out of a workshop with twenty-eight students only two bothered to apply the system. Both of these students are multi-millionaires and part of my inner circle.
What made you decide to teach the Andrew Reynolds Cash on Deamnd system through a home study course?
I became disillusioned with doing workshops because so few people bothered to use what I had taught them. Strangely, some people would simply turn up at every workshop.
Is the home study course cheaper than the workshops you used to run?
The course costs less a month than many people pay for Sky. The system is shown step-by-step in twelve parts. By month five, there is enough of the system explained in order to make a small start and begin earning money while continuing to learn. This small start can earn a student between £10,000 and £25,000 a month.
Could anybody run an Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand business without your mentoring?
First you have to know exactly how the business model works. I spent between eight to nine years of my life fine-tuning this way of doing business before I created the Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand system. I learned the pitfalls and how to avoid them. I take people past the hurdles, I give them what works. It works for me it works for anybody, so long as they follow the system.
Were you a millionaire before you started teaching your Andrew Reynolds Cash on Demand system?
I had made about £20million from my own Cash on Demand business, before I started teaching the system through workshops. I still have my own Cash on Demand business.
What advice would you give to people wanting to become a millionaire?
Develop the millionaire mindset. Millionaires are open-minded. Because of this, they spot opportunities. Millionaires love money and treat it with respect. If you hold negative beliefs about money it’s difficult to attract it to you. Millionaires take full responsibility for their life – they don’t blame the government, the economic downturn or other people. Millionaires have mentors. They continue to listen to other achieving people – you can never know it all. Millionaires build their self-belief. Millionaires set goals and are inspired from within.
What do you value the most in your life?
Family and friends but I also value freedom. Money is only the means to an end. Money buys you the time to do what you want. It buys you time to be with your family and friends. With money you can help to make their lives better. You can donate to charities, helping people you don’t even meet. Freedom means you can travel the world, live anywhere in the world. Money buys you the life of your dreams. I purposefully developed the Cash on Demand system because it frees up your time while you earn. It can give you the life of your dreams.
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