So how does Andrew Reynolds system all work? He is amazingly upfront about it. “The essential thing is to find a hungry market. So many people spend years of their lives developing a great product – then come to me asking who they can sell it to. I do it the other way around”.
Andrew Reynolds finds a group of hungry buyers – then finds a product to sell them. “It’s just so much easier to make money that way. For people just starting out who may not have a suitable product or know how to market it, one of the things we show them in the Cash On Demand® course is how to create joint ventures with people who have the skills or the products. According to Andrew Reynolds most business owners who develop products haven’t a clue what they’re worth, and they’ll sell you a reseller’s license very cheaply”. That’s how Andrew Reynolds started off making his money. He once paid £500 for a licence to a video product that allowed him to sell as many copies as he wanted to – and keep all the profits! He sold over 10,000 copies at around £50 each and cleaned up – all from finding a hungry market and then selling them a product someone else had spent time and money developing, which they were prepared to license to him cheaply”. In his Cash On Demand® course Andrew Reynolds shows people how to do exactly that!
Andrew Reynolds is now the master of his own carefully refined technique of making money. But he started out tentatively back in 1997. “Back then I had to do a lot of testing to see which of the things I’d learned in the States would work over here in the UK”. But while Andrew Reynolds worked out his notice at work, he tried and tested things to see which would pull in the money. “It was a ‘seat of the pants’ time as I’d burned my bridges and HAD to make it work. In fairness, looking back – quitting my job on the strength of an idea was about the dumbest thing you could do” Andrew Reynolds goes to great lengths to ensure that his students understand that this is something he never recommends to anybody, now he knows what he knows. In fact in his course Andrew Reynolds now teaches people to start their business off on a modest part-time basis. “You don’t have to burn your bridges to get started.” The corporate pay package included a Mercedes, a healthcare package and a high five-figure salary. Yet Andrew Reynolds had enough fire in his belly to walk away.
As Andrew Reynolds puts it: “I started by putting a tiny £60 classified ad in the newspaper directing people to a little website I’d built. As the money came in, I took out more little ads and started to build the business that way. Of course, it took a while for the business to take off, as I was testing stuff to see what would work and what didn’t. Now I know exactly what to do, subscribers to my Cash On Demand® course get the benefit of that experience and can leap over all the hurdles I came across in those early days.”
Andrew Reynolds Self-made Millionaire Profile Part Three,Subscribe
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