Self-made millionaire Andrew Reynolds puts his success down to finding a mentor who had already been successful in the field that Andrew had chosen – and doing everything he possibly could to learn from that mentor.
According to Andrew Reynolds if you want to be successful you simply need to follow in the footsteps of somebody who has already found their way through the business minefield. Said Andrew “if your following a group of guys through a minefield and 9 out of 10 didn’t make it to the other side – and your next to go, do you do what so many aspiring entrepreneurs do and decide to create your own pathway… or do you do what I did when I started my business I carefully traced each individual footstep of the one guy that had made it through the minefield safely”.
Certainly Andrew made it through the minefield and has made a very successful career with his own businesses which he started in his spare room at home. From simple beginnings Andrew Reynolds businesses have gone on to pull in over £50million pounds making Andrew Reynolds a true self-made millionaire.
Success for Andrew can be traced back to the point 15 years ago when almost out of the blue he was invited to attend a 3 day workshop 5,000 miles away in Nevada USA. At that workshop Andrew Reynolds found his first mentor and coach… definitely someone that Andrew could aspire to follow in the footsteps of. As Andrew Reynolds built his new business he was able to keep in touch with his new mentor who coached him from a very humble start up through to his first million pounds. These days Andrew tries to do the same for other aspiring business owners. Once a year he holds a training event called the entrepreneurs boot camp, where all of the ticket proceeds go to a children’s charity. Andrew Reynolds also occasionally holds much sort after face to face training workshops in small classrooms. His face to face training is backed up with ongoing monthly training to. Andrew Reynolds training has itself already produced several million pound success stories.
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